A safe way to promote your overall health

Chiropractic is a healthcare discipline firmly grounded in science, regulated in 14 European countries. It takes 5500 hours of study to qualify as a primary healthcare provider.

Jennifer Delaby practice in Berlin

Jennifer Delaby is a primary care provider working in Friedrischain along with other specialists for your health. Taking care of new borns and the entire family is why Jennifer Delaby studied chiropractic in a first place!

A holistic approach

Maintaining a good mechanical and neurological balance is important for your health as it allows a better posture and overall well-being. Physical, emotional or chemical stress may lead to an imbalance in your sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic nervous system. That's when your chiropractor steps in, to restore the balance between the body and the brain, the spine and the nervous system. Hence, at my practice in Friedrichshain, I promote a holistic approach to health and wellness.

Maintaining a good mechanical and neurological balance is important for your health as it allows a better posture and overall well-being.

Your first visit

I start with the anamnesis* and a thorough examination of your whole body. Clarifying the source of the pain (muscles, joints, ligaments, nerves etc) is a key step. I then work with gentle, precise and specific body adjustments.

  • Vertebral manipulations
  • Craniosacral therapy
  • Fascias mobilization
  • Soft tissue work

Advice regarding your nutrition or habits may also be given at the end

Chiropractic is safe for all, including babies, pregnant women and the elderly.

Waiting for symptoms or preventing them?​

Chiropractic is safe for everyone (including babies, pregnant women and the elderly) Do you visit your dentist regularly to make sure that nothing is wrong? The earlier the problem is detected the easier it is to treat! is Is the same with your spine: It needs to be ckecked from time to time to prevent stress build up and possible repetitive strain. This helps relieve pain and support an active lifestyle.

Popping the joints

A chiropractor works with the spine and the nervous system by gently putting back mobility into the joints. We use small manipulations called “adjustments” which are completely safe, in order to allow a better communication between the body and the brain. Don’t be afraid of the popping noise, it is just the sound of some gas being released. Your chiropractor might decide to use other techniques. It is perfectly normal – every body is different and everyone has specific needs. So each treatment is adjusted according to the patient.

Chiropractic treatment is an holistic approach of the health, firmly grounded in science and empathy.

Detecting the origin of pain

What are the most common reasons why people decide to go to a chiropractor?

● Neck pain
● Lower back pain
● Herniated discs
● Sciatica
● Mechanical neuralgia of various origins
● Headaches, vertigo, migraines
● Scapulohumeral or blocked shoulder periarthritis
● Carpal tunnel syndrome
● Scoliosis

● Tendonitis

● Tinnitus, ear pressure
● Arthritis
● Sacro iliaque joint pain
● Spinal Stenosis
● Degenerative disc disease
● Piriformis syndrome
● Short leg
● Whiplash
● Stress and Anxiety
● Digestive issues

Frequently Asked Questions about Chiropractic Sessions

How long is a session?

The first chiropractic session normally lasts 40 to 45 minutes, the next ones only take around 20 to 30 minutes.
The frequency depends on different factors, such as your general state of health and physical condition.
Visit my blog to learn more about the chiropractic treatment process!

What is the Webster technique?

The Webster technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment procedures for pregnant women. It reduces interference with the nervous system. This technique can not be considered as an obstetrical positioning technique for breech cases, but it is a bio-mechanical technique that allows the fetus to have more space in the uterus and therefore an easier and safer birth.

How chiropractic can help with my baby birth?

Any contraction that reduces the pelvis capacity to open enough can lead to dystocia (difficulty) during delivery.

Sacral misalignment causes tension and twisting of pelvic muscles and ligaments: it is these tight muscles and ligaments attached to the uterus that may cause tension in the uterus, preventing the baby from taking the proper position for birth.

Any position other than cephalic (head first and facing the pelvis) may indicate the presence of a sacral subluxation and thus cause intrauterine constraints.

Often, a caesarean section prevents the child and mother from enjoying the many benefits of a natural birth.